20 Questions To Ask Your Partner on a Date Night

Tyler and I have recognized how hard it is to make date nights a priority after becoming parents, but we know how much better we feel when we make time for them! One temptation we have when we get a day or night out together is to talk about house or kid matters instead of focusing on each other! So we came up with a list of 20 questions that will help you intentionally ask about one another and hopefully grow as a couple.

One thing we want to make sure to note: a date night doesn’t always need to be going out to eat or spending money on some extravagant activity. Sometimes a date night can look like sitting down on the couch after the kids are tucked in and staring into each other’s eyes and just chatting. Sometimes it looks like going for a walk and holding hands. Don’t fall into the lie that it has to be a big production! Simply make space to give each other undivided attention and intentional focus, and watch the impact it makes on you as a couple!

Here are the 20 questions you can talk through as a couple:

  1. In what ways are we the same?

  2. In what ways are we different?

  3. Where do you see us in 5 years?

  4. What are you most excited for in our upcoming season of life?

  5. What do I do that makes you smile or laugh?

  6. How can I pray for you?

  7. How well do we forgive each other? How could we be better?

  8. How have you grown this past year?

  9. What makes us strong as a couple?

  10. How can I love you best in this season of life?

  11. What advice would you give to your younger self?

  12. What activities make you come alive?

  13. What makes an ordinary day really good for you?

  14. What’s a personality trait or skill I possess that you wish you had?

  15. How can we be more giving and outward as a couple?

  16. What challenges have we overcome as a couple?

  17. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try?

  18. What dreams or things do we want to accomplish as a couple, and how can we make it happen?

  19. In what ways have I changed since we first met? 

  20. What do you want us to do on our next date?

Showing your willingness to get curious about each other and actively listen does amazing things for any relationship. We pray these help you work towards oneness and unity with one another! Happy dating!!


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